It is obvious how the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) improved from then and now, as well as the way it improved our lives. When we were in grade school, everything was processed manually. And as of today, we observed that through the use of ICT, educational methodologies improved and become easier and convenient.
Here are some changes and transformations that are seen due to ICT:
a. The singing of national anthem
Before, the singing of national anthem used to form a line and the national anthem are being sang with conductor. Now, it is done with video presentations and are involved with technology.
b. Concepts notes
Concept notes used to be done manually but now, it can be done with the help of gadgets, applications, and softwares.
c. Presentation of visual aids
Presentation of visual aids become easier nowadays with the use of Whiteboards and interactive whiteboards, Flip charts, Handouts, Videos, and presentation software such as PowerPoint.
d. Class record
Back then, teachers have class record, where they can put all the grades of their students. But now, teachers using technologies for them to record all of their student's work. They make it easier and in convenient way. In just one click it shows all the forms, grades, and more.
e. Class dismissal
When it comes to class dismissal the elementary students study time is shorter compare to senior students.
f. Assignment and research
Students then are only able to do a research and finish assignments by reading books and using retained knowledge. Now, it is faster and more convenient with the use of internet, applications, etc.